The Risk of a Risk Taker

Our members and their successes are as diverse as can be. But there’s one thing they all have in common: they found a career they never expected.

We know you know IQI Eliteone. But what you don’t know is just how successful you could be here too. We’re a place where every members truly believe in the success of each other and have great pride in what they accomplish together.

Listen to their stories and learn why working at Eliteone is so much more than a job.

Our Trainings and Sharing Sessions

Terrific Tuesday (TT)

IQI Warriors Training Day whereby external super coach will come over to give warrior style training.


Eliteone Academy (EA)

A day to improve both your knowledge and technical skills. We will cover real estate and general topics. Both sales related or non-related soft skills included.


Wed Elite Training (WET)

Highly capable real estate leaders will come over to share with us their personal experience and knowledge with regards to real estate career.

New REN Training

An incubator for new warrior to grow and to improve on the way to the real battle ground

Training Platform

In IQI Eliteone, we value advancement of knowledge and technical skills through education. Through our weekly learning activities, we want everyone in Eliteone to be better off everyday, not just in property knowledge, but in many other areas in life as well.

Work Life Integration

Work life integration. In IQI Eliteone, we value enjoyment of life as much as achievements of targets.

– Dave Chong

Sales Tips




The Road From Agent to Agency Manager

The Road From Agent to Agency Manager

Having a successful career will offer you a lot of benefits and real profitable opportunities. As we live in a world governed by social status and money, working your way up to the top will definitely improve your quality of life. There are many possible reasons for which an individual would desire success.

Straight Persuasion Method in Sale

Straight Persuasion Method in Sale

How do you apply “Sell Me This Pen” technique into your real estate career? In this video, Wayne Lim, Head of Team in IQI Eliteone will share some useful sales techniques that will work in your real estate career !

Snowball effect using property investment

Snowball effect using property investment

Many are familiar with the ‘snowball momentum’. In theory, it starts as a small snowball, and as you roll it down the snowy field, it increases in both size and speed, creating a ball of snow of massive proportions and rolling at a great speed.



Property agent最常遇到的问题就是跟顾客follow up到一半跑去跟其他agent买一样的project,你也是面临着这个问题吗?没关系,IQI Eliteone的CY Yong将会让你一次过搞懂身为property agent的我们要如何让顾客选择你



MCO这段日子,很多property agent都在面临着手停口停的状况下,但是IQI ELiteone的James 和 Alvin却做到了在MCO期间每个星期都卖最少一间的property,所以这个影片他们将会为你揭晓他么的爆单策略