The Risk of a Risk Taker

Our members and their successes are as diverse as can be. But there’s one thing they all have in common: they found a career they never expected.

We know you know IQI Eliteone. But what you don’t know is just how successful you could be here too. We’re a place where every members truly believe in the success of each other and have great pride in what they accomplish together.

Listen to their stories and learn why working at Eliteone is so much more than a job.

Our Trainings and Sharing Sessions

Terrific Tuesday (TT)

IQI Warriors Training Day whereby external super coach will come over to give warrior style training.


Eliteone Academy (EA)

A day to improve both your knowledge and technical skills. We will cover real estate and general topics. Both sales related or non-related soft skills included.


Wed Elite Training (WET)

Highly capable real estate leaders will come over to share with us their personal experience and knowledge with regards to real estate career.

New REN Training

An incubator for new warrior to grow and to improve on the way to the real battle ground

Training Platform

In IQI Eliteone, we value advancement of knowledge and technical skills through education. Through our weekly learning activities, we want everyone in Eliteone to be better off everyday, not just in property knowledge, but in many other areas in life as well.

Work Life Integration

Work life integration. In IQI Eliteone, we value enjoyment of life as much as achievements of targets.

– Dave Chong

Sales Tips



Sandra 成功三部曲

Sandra 成功三部曲

顶尖销售员成功的秘诀很难诉诸文字,因为他们做起事来就如同呼吸般自然,不过今天 IQI Elite领导,Sandra Teo将会为大家揭晓如何在房地产成为一位顶级表演者。






从事房地产销售工作的人员应致力与个人及事业的发展,因为生活只会随着自我改变而改变,唯有不断地学习,才能稳固地立足于这个社会。所以要成为一名顶尖的销售人员,首先必须学习的是如何保持一种积极向上的心态。所以这次的Eliteone Academy线上分享会,IQI Eliteone 领导Christopher Goh将会为我们揭晓他是如何梳理销售流程,更加贴近客户的方法。







有效的presentation & closing skill

有效的presentation & closing skill


The New Trend in Short Term Rental Management

The New Trend in Short Term Rental Management

Short term rental management has been a hot topic lately, so we decided to clear out some misconceptions and confusions regarding short term rental management.

To understand the topic in depth it is important to first understand the relationship between rental yield and capital appreciation

Leveraging on Social Media to Build Trust & Follow Up

Leveraging on Social Media to Build Trust & Follow Up

Social Media has changed the way businesses reached their target audience in past. It has made the process free flowing for marketers especially the follow up with prospect clients.
Every big or small company is trying their best to create a digital presence and reach masses through internet, specifically Social Media. This surge of Social Media has made it extremely competitive too on the other hand. In this article it will be discussed further in more detail in coming paragraphs.